Hermetic glass Clear View doors
For clean room environments where the demands of hygiene and infection prevention are strong in hospitals , laboratories and other facilities the Hermetic sliding door is built. And AL Adel is a leading supplier of hermetic glass clear view doors in UAE at the present time.
The hermetic sliding door system has been built particularly for areas that require safe , hygienic, well-dressing doors. It provides an airtight sealed entrance for clean rooms, such as theatres, pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, food preparation facilities and laboratories.
Thanks to its high visibility function, Adel automatic door trading is suitable for observation and ICU rooms as well as isolating the room to keep it air tight.
Main features of or Hermetic doors are:
For healthcare isolation environments that require both high hygiene and maximum space, hermetic sliding doors are ideal. Adel automatic doors have hermetic sliding doors guarantee air tightness thanks to its unique features. Wide range of finish options and functionalities to adapt it to any architectural project.
Main features of our hermetic doors are:
In order to incorporate practical hermetic doors, the hermetic swing doors respect the aesthetics of the building, adapt to it or be the feature that makes the difference. Through the combination of materials and design, these doors, specifically built for the healthcare sector, reflect an advance in creating hermetic spaces. With all our items, as a supplier of hermetic swing doors we provide the guaranteed protection. Thanks to all the flexible solutions we provide, they are adaptable to various environments and to each customer's needs.
AL Adel auto door is a leading supplier of Hospital doors in UAE.