Automatic Sliding Doors Supplier in UAE

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Good Reasons to Upgrade for Automatic Gate Barrier

Passing through a boom gate is commonplace in the contemporary world today, whether it be in parking lots, shopping malls, hospitals, or apartment buildings. This kind of autonomous security barrier is one of the most popular ways to regulate vehicle entrance and traffic flow into a restricted area. It is an efficient and economical security alternative.

Continue reading to learn more about automatic barrier gates and the numerous advantages they provide.

What are Automatic Gate Barriers?

Boom gates are straightforward automated barriers that are incredibly effective since they lower their long arm to obstruct the route of approaching cars. The driver must present a pass, enter a code, pay a toll, or wait for recognition before it is safe to move forward in order for the boom gate’s arm to be raised. They are most frequently employed in parking lots and at checkpoints and entrances to restricted locations.

Benefits of Using Automatic Gate Barriers:

Boom gates are a safe automatic security barrier from the Automatic Gate Barrier Suppliers in UAE that are simple to build and maintain and offer a number of advantages, such as:

  • Improved Security

For commercial establishments of all sizes, security is essential. High-quality boom gate installation ensures that any undesired cars are kept out of the property by approving or denying entry to vehicles entering the property depending on their credentials. Boom gates can also keep track of and log the registration information for each vehicle that enters and exits.

  • Control of Traffic Flow

One of the greatest ways to manage traffic entering and leaving a property, which is crucial in areas with few parking spaces and a high volume of vehicles, like a busy shopping centre parking lot. Boom gates give complete control over how many vehicles are allowed on a property at any given moment.

  • Increased Privacy

A boom gate blocks entrance for unauthorised vehicles and nosy onlookers, instantly granting privacy. A boom gate is the best option if you want to keep people from trespassing and stealing, or if you want to safeguard confidential information and trade secrets in your commercial enterprise. These barriers are also ideal for gated industrial estates since they may give occupants both privacy and security.

  • Space Saving

Boom gates are one of the most efficient uses of available space because they take up substantially less room than swinging or sliding gates and need a minimal amount of vertical space to swing higher.

  • Cut Down Security Cost

Boom gates require little operating and maintenance once they are installed. You won’t have ongoing security costs because boom gate installation frequently eliminates the requirement for a security personnel.

  • Access that’s Allowed

Boom barriers are effective no matter what kind of location or business you wish to prevent unauthorised access to. Additionally, installing CCTV cameras will increase the overall system’s security. A warehouse, hospital, parking lots, or even a larger property that is dispersed over a vast region would benefit greatly from this type of structure.

Another option is to use a log system, where each entry and exit is meticulously recorded and reported to ensure that only authorised cars can pass through.

So are you looking for the best and affordable Automatic Gate Barrier Suppliers in UAE?

Al Adel: One of the Best Automatic Gate Barrier Suppliers In UAE

Also being one of the best Stainless Steel Bollard Supplier UAE, AL Adel Auto Door is a reputable manufacturer of gate barrier systems. We provide extremely dependable and useful door barrier solutions for your safety. A booms barrier, also known as a boom door, is a bar or pivoting pole that can stop the boom from entering vehicles through a regulated position.


How To Take The Advantages Of Modern Automatic Sliding Gates

Until some time back, sliding gates were more commonly used in commercial and industrial spaces. But many homeowners have realised the importance and benefits of sliding doors, that they have begun to use them for residential purposes. In this blog, let’s examine the multiple benefits associated with sliding doors, and how you can get an Automatic Sliding Doors Suppliers In UAE for your property.

Doors can be pretty intimidating to people, especially when they see large buildings with big imposing gates. Automatic sliding doors sense the presence of humans and open out to them, so your visitors don’t have to do the actual job of opening the gate. Automatic sliding doors to a building are definitely welcoming and it naturally puts their minds at ease. Similarly, there are several other benefits to this, irrespective of whether they are placed at a residential complex or commercial building. This blog is all about that.

Importance of automatic Sliding Doors supplier UAE

If you have a credible company as your Al Adel Automatic Doors, you have nothing to worry. Here are some benefits you can enjoy with their services:

Privacy levels are impressive

You will scare all those curious loiters away. The automatic doors open by sensing a presence, namely, the heat of the person. So if someone comes too close to the automatic sliding door UAE, it will immediately sound an alarm and open it. This will prevent people from just coming close and peering, just for fun’s sake. It just keeps the intruders out. So the obvious benefit is increased privacy and security.

Cost-effective solution

Did you know that getting a high quality doors supplier in UAE will save you a lot of money as well? Yes, that’s right because insurance people will see you as a responsible citizen who really values their property, honestly. Insurance companies love people who are extra-cautious about the safety of their property, as it would increase the value of their home and reduce the instance of theft. A safe home always has the highest market value too.

Beautiful designs suitable for all kinds of complexes

The Automatic sliding doors supplier UAE has all kinds of intricate designs suitable for different purposes. There are ones that are plain and no nonsense, they would be good for industrial and commercial complexes. The intricately carved designs would be just awesome for a residential complex, and if you live in an affluent area, you will be impressed by the options.

No more getting down from the car to open the gate

With automatic garage door UAE, you don’t have to get down from the car, and wait for someone else to open the gate. Just drive up to the car, and watch the door automatically open up for you. Similarly, if the weather is bad, and it’s pouring, you can sit in the car and wait for it to open up.

Space saving

You know that swinging gates can take up some space as they literally have to open to the sides. With the sliding gate, the gate itself can open up to the sides of the fence and so you don’t have to leave space for the gate separately. This is a great option for homeowners who cannot afford to have more space in their front yard.

There are different options to opening the sliding gate

The Automatic Sliding Doors Suppliers In UAE would give you multiple options to open the sliding door. You can use the card reader, remote control, the intercom, code pads etc to open it. It depends on what level of sophistication you need with it.


Sliding gates from Al Adel Auto Doors can most certainly take the security and sophistication of your home to a different level. While choosing one for your home, make sure you get the right kind, because different doors suit different levels of duty depending on duty and traffic.


Take the Advantages of Modern Automatic Sliding Gates

Some individuals prefer to have an attractive gate that also provides security, thus they choose sliding automatic gates UAE. It is not surprising that this type of modern technology has recently grown in popularity given the more tech-savvy society we live in and the number of homeowners who prefer less manual labour in an effort to save time.

It is ideal for people who want their gates to perform as conveniently as possible without sacrificing looks. Here let’s see some of the benefits of having automatic sliding gates.

  • Convenient and Ease of Use

When something is automated, life generally seems to operate more smoothly. This is the reason why so many people choose sliding automatic gates UAE over the traditional method of manually cranking up that arm.

Additionally, due of the ease that automatic gates provide, more homes are buying them today. Being forced to exit your car each time you need to open or close the gate can be very annoying, especially in bad weather. Automatic slide gate openers provide a variety of operation control options, including the use of a remote control, a control App on your smartphone, or just typing a PIN on a keypad.

  • Safety

The automatic gate incorporates safety features, so you don’t have to worry about it closing and harming your car or accidentally hitting someone. We’ve all witnessed how lift sensors keep doors from closing while someone is trying to pass through them. A “stop and reverse” mechanism is employed by an automated gate in a similar manner.

The gate also raises the level of safety for your kids and dogs because it does not open automatically, regardless of the amount of tinkering. Manual gates run the risk of being improperly closed and of being opened by your child if they are tinkered with.

  • Adaptability

An existing gate can be replaced with sliding automatic gates UAE in the same way as doors and windows can. You can enjoy the convenience by adding automated sliding gate openers to your manual gate.

These devices also exist in a variety of shapes and designs, and their horsepower (HP) and weight capacities vary. Therefore, regardless of the gate, you can select an opener that meets your requirements exactly.

  • Relatively Affordable

sliding automatic gates UAE are reasonably priced since they take into account various budgets, depending on the type you select.

Your device will cost more the higher the level of technology it has. This is one of the key advantages that each homeowner ought to think about before making a purchase.

  • Less Space

When you choose to install automated sliding gates for your property, issues with landscaping and parking space capacity are no longer an issue. Since they slide rather than swing inside or outside, parking lots and landscaping are unaffected.

Slide gates are the perfect answer for residents of communities with constrained driveways, sidewalks, or streets because they don’t have enough room for a conventional swing-arm operator.

Looking for the best Automatic Sliding Doors Suppliers In UAE?

Al Adel has a solid reputation for having a large customer base, providing above-average services to ensure customer satisfaction, and looking forward to developing stronger business ties in the future. Our entire selection of automatic sliding doors can be tailored to your specific requirements. Additionally, each component is thoroughly tested to ensure a quick and trouble-free installation.


7 Hospital Doors Expert Tips for Choosing the Right One

The greatest levels of hygiene are required in hospitals, and cleanliness and design go beyond just boosting the hygiene element. Any modern hospital must take efficiency, cost, material, and time into account while developing it.

Speaking of doors, there are numerous hospital door suppliers in UAE that provide a cutting-edge idea of contemporary wooden doors with factory finished door sets to fit specific needs like hospitals.

Being one of the best industrial door supplier UAE, we outline seven important factors to think about before buying hospital doors to help you choose the best choice that satisfies all of your design requirements.

  • Weight and Durability

The weight of the door is one of the most important things to think about before investing in hospital doors since it will affect how people open and close the door and how frequently they travel through them.

The doors you choose should be easy to open and strong enough to withstand repeated impact. The majority of the time, nurses or hospital workers push open these doors with their shoulders, heels, or backs while wheeling beds, wheelchairs, and trolleys through them. The doors’ durability and ease of usage must be the most important factors in this situation.

  • Seals

In order to keep out things like dust, pollutants, and insects, hospital doors must have tight seals. It is essential to have an airtight, durable door seal that leaves little to no room for pollutants and harbourage.

It must be demonstrated that the seal will be effective over an extended length of time in areas where build-up is most likely to occur.

  • Speed

When it comes to hospitals, response times might be the difference between life and death. Therefore, it’s crucial that hospital corridor doors and frames are made in a way that allows for maximum efficiency and speed while keeping hygienic standards and durability.

In hospitals, swing doors are rather prevalent. The speed of the door depends on the weight, resistance, and swing buffers that the bearings give. So that they can open quickly and don’t put a strain on the hinges, they should be lightweight.

  • Materials

When making an investment in hospital doors, the material should be a key factor in your decision. Try to choose doors with employing cutting-edge technology and materials of the highest calibre, such as engineered wood and ironmongery.

They provide great functioning, are ready to be installed, and improve the hospital’s appearance and atmosphere. Hospital doors must also include radiation shielding and sound absorption features. In terms of surfacing, paint, laminates, and wood veneers are all alternatives.

  • Hygiene

When choosing hospital doors, hygiene is a crucial consideration. This is because everything in a hospital is connected to health and hygiene, which is one of the most important factors in determining the hospital’s reputation and dependability.

You need doors that are simple to clean and have antibacterial qualities to stop the spread of any infection.

  • Security

Modern entry doors can be built of steel, wood, or fibreglass, and all three are roughly comparable in terms of strength when it comes to security. They fall short at the locking system. A deadbolt that is at least an inch long and a strengthened metal striking plate are things to look for in a door.

If you decide on a front door with a side window or window, the armoured glass should have two certifications: sledgehammer and bulletproof. Glass should be glazed as well to help prevent break-ins.

  • Swing

Although exterior doors are often made to open in, a custom exterior door may be made to swing out, depending on your demands.


Are you looking for the best Hospital Doors Supplier in UAE? Al Adel has got your back. We are well-positioned to meet any set of requirements due to our extensive selection of premium ready-to-install door sets and frames for hospitals and other facilities needing specialty doorsets.


Uses of Stainless Steel Bollard

Bollards control the entry of vehicles. They can be used to limit the entry of vehicles, slow down the speed of vehicles, safeguard any installations and so on. Bollards can also be made of stainless steel, concrete, aluminium, iron etc. Out of the different kinds of bollards, stainless steel is preferred due to its functionality and many other advantages. Steel bollards appear like small posts and there are different types of steel bollards like fixed, retractable and removable bollards. While looking for stainless steel bollards, you have to choose the best supplier in UAE. Our trusted parking barrier suppliers in UAE will have high quality stainless steel bollards. Al Adel Automatic Doors the leading stainless steel bollard supplier UAE sells top quality steel bollards

Uses of stainless bollards

The different uses of stainless bollards are discussed below:


Steel bollards help is maintaining the security of a place. It prevents trespassers from entering into a premise and also stops the escape cars from driving off. It also blocks the vehicles from speeding and hitting your property.


Bollards control the traffic. The entry of traffic can be managed effectively with the help of bollards. They can be kept at places to restrict the entry of vehicles to a particular area. It also allows the pedestrians to walk safely since it prevents the entry of vehicles to the areas of pedestrians. Bollards are highly useful in places like universities, shopping malls etc.


Stainless steel bollards are the best option when it comes to the aesthetics of a space. It serves its function without causing any issue to the appearance of a space or a building. It gets blended with other architectural designs easily. Decorative stainless steel bollards are also opted by some to enhance the look of a space.

Larger visual boundary

It may often be misunderstood that bollards reduce the space but in fact bollards help to create a larger visual boundary. Stainless steel bollards can also be custom made. Hence you can design it as per your property and the premise.


Keeping bollard in your premise helps people to notice your business easily and quickly. It will make your property stand out and helps people to access your premise quickly.


Durability is one of the biggest advantages of stainless steel bollards. Stainless steel is robust and long lasting. Keeping them outside will not cause any change to its appearance and it can withstand the different weather conditions easily.


Stainless steel bollards require little or no maintenance. They are non-corrosive and do not incur rust. They are resistant to stains, heat, rain and other environmental factors. They can also be installed hassle free with small cost of installation.


As already stated stainless steel bollards can be custom made and hence they are very versatile. Different shapes such as flat, slopes, dome etc of stainless steel bollards is available. They can be made to complement your premise and building and to give a minimalist appearance to your space.

Contact Al Adel Automatic Doors, stainless steel bollard supplier UAE for your requirement of standard grade bollards.


How To Automate an Existing Garage Door

Nowadays, everyone prefers an automatic system around themselves. And hence, when it comes to a garage door there are innumerable reasons, why people want to get their existing garage door automates. Most of us back off from having an automated garage door mainly because of its high expense of installing a new automatic garage door. But now science ensures its helping hand everywhere, and there are ways to automate your existing garage doors. As one of the most renowned automatic garage doors suppliers in UAE, al adel automatic doors has confronted our client’s demands with all its grace and provided them the best results to automate their existing garage door.

There are some determining factors to assess if your existing garage door can be automated and the cost, time and efficiency of the results depends on them. With our wide experience of being the best automatic garage door suppliers in UAE, we would like to say if your garage door is in good condition, or is young as 1o years, you can most probably enjoy an automated garage door soon.

Determining factors to assess if your garage door can be automated

The condition of your garage door

A garage door can be automated if it is in really good condition as in if it moves freely and easily without rubbing against its own frame or floor while if your garage door is very stiff and it has trouble to move, it can be challenging to automate it. Sometimes, if you do not want to get away with your existing garage door, it can also be automates with some extra effort. We can simply change the mechanism (springs, arm, tracks etc ) and add a motor, which is one of the most cost effective way.

Types of garage doors

When it comes to the type of the garage doors, there are factors to be considered.

If your garage door is traditional up and over doors the main things would be whether the door has tracks that run horizontally back into the garage. now if your garage door is the retractable door, track that run vertically up and down the back of the frame or canopy door. Even though canopy doors are not designed to be motorized, if it is in good condition it can be added with a bow arm to get it motorized. Either a canopy lifting, or a bow arm conversion kit that is fitted against the doors and then attached to the operator boom, can do the job.

All sectional doors can be motorized if it is in good state. Choose the suitable motor type and you can automate your garage doors in no time. All toller doors can also be motorized with the suitable motor.

Conditions with the garage

The main issues that bring challenges to convert your existing garage door to automatic are lack of head rooms, lintels passing through the garage that get in the way of the motor mechanism and there should also be power supply in the garage.

With the best automatic garage doors suppliers or automatic sliding doors suppliers in UAE, renovate your garage doors for no more back breaking to open the heavy doors on your own.


Maintanence of Access Control System

In the growing world the freedom of privacy, freedom of security, freedom of and inclusion is highly safeguarded by the innovative science. Advanced industries and companies give importance to security which is a mindful factor. Al Adel Automatic Doors, the best advanced access control system company in UAE, aims to provide the best security experience with our technologically efficient access control systems.

We believe how important is restriction of an unauthorised access of somebody into your personal space, workspace, company etc. Our technologically expertized team makes us the best access control system company in UAE. We make sure the appropriate access control is installed to serve your every concern and purpose. And thus, regular maintenance is equally to be considered, which our team regularly keeps a check on. Regular and required maintenance of the access control system keeps it working for a long run, and takes the best out of the investment. Maintenance of the access control system can also provide opportunities for upgradation to meet the future needs.

Checklist to keep your access control system function properly;

While some legacy systems give maintenance alerts while other do not possess alert features. So to be aware of when and how to maintain and inspect the access control system will enable its proper functions.


Inspecting often the security sensors will make sure the efficiency of the access control systems. A walk test can do the job, to inspect by activating the sensor devices. It should be ensured if the sensors are sending signals to the control panel and whether the panel is interpreting the received signals properly.


To ensure if the system remains in a working order regular inspection and cleaning devices is necessarily crucial. The dust or debris entered in the devices can disrupt the functioning.


A proper working alarm system of the access control system marks the purpose of the device. It should be tested if the signal communication between the software and the security devices is happening properly. And also you must ensure if the signals are reaching the first responders and third party security providers. To check the functioning of the fire alarm system and also informing about the fire alarm systems in the nearest fire safety stations is always important to avoid disasters.


Ensuring if the software is updated is significant, otherwise it may lose the functioning ability to detect any error or unauthorised access through the access control system. Even though the software of most of the access control system get updated automatically, still including the check for software updates in the checklist will ensure safety against future security threats.

Lack of maintenance of any access control systems can jeopardise the security of an organization, company or a person. So the Al Adel Automatic Doors, the best automatic sliding doors supplier and access control system company in UAE, we ensure the proper installation and regular maintenance, thus your security be our priority.


Affordable And Safe Auto Swing Gates For Your Business

A great utility to be added as part of the safety measures in your business automatic swing gates have numerous benefits. They are cost effective and be can be easily installed at the premise of a building. The swing gates are mainly available as single swing gate or dual swing gate. With integrated technology they can be controlled effectively to let in and let out vehicles and pedestrians. Every business needs access control. Auto swing gates provide, the best and easiest way to manage your company’s security. They are the most affordable, safe and reliable way to provide automatic access control to your business. They provide you high-performing and reliable solutions for your business. Al Adel Automatic Doors, the finest automatic swing gates manufacturer UAE offers authentic and dependable auto swing gates.

Benefits of auto swing gates
  • The entry and exit of traffic and people can be monitored and controlled.
  • Since they have sensors, remote controls and other technologically supportive accessories they are convenient to use.
  • They are made of robust materials like steel or iron which gives improved security to an area.
  • They are made to be durable and long lasting.
  • They are easy to install.
  • Even with the integrated technology they are budget friendly.
  • They can be operated manually as well.
  • They do not take up much space and adds to the aesthetic value of a property.

If you are planning to install auto swing gates then only after careful consideration you have to choose the type of gate and the seller. Auto swing gates are long term investment. Hence when you search for industrial doors supplier UAE you have to know in detail about the various types of gates available and the sellers in the market and then select the best suited automatic swing gates manufacturer UAE. Al Adel Automatic Doors, industrial doors supplier UAE have superior quality auto swing gates as well as sliding automatic gates UAE.

Few things to keep in mind while setting out to purchase the auto swing gates from automatic swing gates manufacturer UAE:


One of the primary things which you have to consider is the purpose of buying the gate. This is will help you to purchase the right kind of gate with the right features.

Research about the various gates

It is important to know about the diverse kinds of gates available in the market. You have to research in detail the different uses of the gates and compare it with your requirement to choose the most suitable one.

Buy from a trusted seller

It is important to buy the swing gates from a recognized and trusted seller. The product sold by them will be authentic and it will have all the necessary features.


The place where you are going to install the gate is important. Before you purchase the gate look into the location. The gates have to properly fit into the area and hence according to the location gates have to be selected.


Auto swing gates are mostly affordable however you have to look into the price offered by various sellers and the features offered by the sellers. The maintenance and the repair cost of the gate which can be incurred in future should also be understood in detail. While purchasing it is important to buy according to the budget set aside by you.


Types of Vehicle Road Blockers – What Type You Should Buy ?

Traffic monitoring and management is not easy especially in buildings, institutions and organizations where there is constant movement of vehicles. Institutions like shopping malls, hotels, banks etc have high movement of traffic. Vehicle road blockers are devices which help in controlling the traffic and providing safety movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Road blockers act as traffic stoppage and are very useful and effective.

Road Blockers also ensures the security of buildings and the property. Since the movement of traffic can be controlled using road blockers, unnecessary vehicles or trespassers will not enter into the compound or the property and suspicious vehicles can immediately be stopped using these. To purchase and install quality road blockers you have to find a trusted and renowned vehicle road blocker supplier UAE.

Al Adel road blockers offer dependable vehicle control. Being the number one Vehicle Road Blocker Supplier UAE our road blockers are suitable to be installed at different types of buildings and areas such as sensitive check points, banks, hotels, shopping malls, defence bases, oil & power sector plants and so on. You can perfectly control the entry and exit of vehicles using our road blockers.

There are different types of road blockers which can be placed. Choosing according to your requirement is important. The size of the road blockers differs from product to product. There are several types of road blockers with different height and width. Some road blockers may completely cover the vehicle with its width stretching entirely in front of the vehicle, while others might only partially block the vehicle. In both cases vehicles cannot pass through it. While some road blockers go up vertically others may raise in different manner. Road blockers and barriers also come with designs and colour in order to be easily noticeable on roads. Some are portable and can be kept at different locations. Al Adel parking barrier suppliers in UAE will provide the best road blocker.

Let us look at some types of road blockers.

Axle Road blocker – It comes with electro-hydraulic mechanism and have quick opening and closing time. The axle road blockers can be lowered or closed to give access to vehicles. They are reliable and effective.

Bollards – They have electro-hydraulic and electro- pneumatic drive mechanisms. They can be single or multiple units. They come with high impact resistance feature. They are also durable and strong. They can installed at places where tight security is required.

Sheet Road blocker – They are created from robust materials and can withstand any heavy attacks. They can be operated without electricity too. They have hydraulic power pack and can offer site specific entry and exit solutions.

Flat Type Spike Tyre – These road blockers have spikes which move up and down giving restricted access to vehicles. It is an in-ground installation.


Operation And Safety Manual For Rolling Shutters

There are roller shutters suitable for use at big commercial or industrial locations, such as warehouses. Big openings are likely to be tricky to operate daily and time-consuming, particularly when the weather is bad. Thankfully, there are roller shutters made of materials that ensure that these products stay safe and operational for a long time. Besides enjoying the durability and natural versatility of rolling shutters, you can equip these with an array of features to make their safety better. Roller shutters are available with the capability to withstand high-speed wind conditions as well. Nevertheless, you can also improve the safety of the product you buy from rolling shutter suppliers in UAE with the additional features.

These add-ons include bottom and top tracks as well as can make the shutters more practical and easy to use. Rolling shutters rely on the tracks that come with them, which is a source of a common issue with the products. These metal components can have damage over time; in certain cases, they could even be warped or buckled, keeping them performing. However, there exist rolling shutter suppliers in UAE that offer the shutters with the kinds of tracks made of hard-wearing raw materials, and these products can work well without any maintenance requirement for years.

There are various safety and security features that you can install in the rolling shutter system. For instance, a key-operation box and hard-wearing lock can help to keep anyone unauthorized from accessing the interior space of your location. Sensors and overriding switches to keep the shutter door from closing down on an individual or vehicle can be part of the safety options for a rolling shutter system.

Besides these safety features, you can further ensure the safety of people around the shutter system with adherence to some guidelines as well. As an industrial doors supplier UAE based, here, we will give you some of those guidelines to follow for safety.

Tips To Prevent Rolling Shutter Accidents

Improper use of rolling shutters comes with an element of risk. For instance, children or even adults might hang onto your shutter door when it goes up and might fall to the concrete ground. The door may also malfunction in a way that leads to a sudden shut operation. To keep those kinds of accidents from happening, it is vital to use rolling shutters safely while following these tips from your go-to automatic garage doors supplier UAE based.

  • Remove all handhold options from the shutter to keep people from holding onto those when it rises.
  • Maintain the product on a routine and regular basis to help confirm that any malfunction or issue can be discovered and fixed in time.
  • It is also a good idea to equip the system with the so-called ‘hold-to-run’ operator. It is a device that allows not only controlling the height the rolling shutter goes up and comes down to but also stopping it from moving in case of a possible accident.
Final Thoughts

As one of the best rolling shutter suppliers in UAE, we wish to confirm that each of our customers is secure and safe when using our products. After all, commercial equipment units are supposed to offer a sense of safety and peace. For more information on product safety, feel free to contact our team of rolling shutter and automatic gate barrier suppliers in UAE today.