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Why to Choose Access Control System Instead of Keys?

Security is a priority for all kinds of organizations and industries. Safeguarding the company’s assets is crucial for success. Whether a company is small or large, an access control system can facilitates its needs and deny access to the people who are not allowed. Access control systems make access easier for the employees of an organization and secure the workplace.

It is a type of physical access control with benefits of increased security, improved efficiency of your business processes and building management. This is an electronic security system that typically uses an access card to authorize people to enter certain areas. The system offers logging option and is able to provide data related to the accessed person, time and space, which helps you to track the information about the building’s safety. Consider using an advanced access control system for your company, provided by Al Adel, access control system companies in UAE.

Replace keys with an access control system

Normally most of the smaller organizations use Mechanical keys for access control. But such traditional methods have many flaws and limitations, such as

  • Keys can be easily loosed or misused
  • Keys don’t leave an audit trial
  • Keys are difficult to manage.

With electronic access control systems, you can avoid the disadvantages of using mechanical keys and get a more secure access control. An electronic access control system can manage,

  • Limited access to the people. For example, the system allows only the employees to enter whereas visitors or clients are required to report to the reception desk on arrival.
  • Separate access areas to different group of employees.
  • What time they can gain access.
  • The system can be programmed to allow only to those clients who present their certification.

The advanced access control systems have the advantage of setting parameters for each individual. You can update the system easily when you want.

Identifiers for access control system

Access cards are the common identifiers used in electronic access control system. Anyone can enter the area, if the necessary conditions stored in the system are met. The other types of Identification methods are

  • An access card or badge or any type of identification tag.
  • A PIN or password
  • Biometric identifiers such as fingerprint or iris.

A company with many departments may have their own access control systems. For security and efficiency, these systems should be aligned. An electronic access control system is capable of integrating other systems and link everything together.

Al Adel Industrial Doors Supplier UAE

Al Adel Automatic Doors supplier UAE, expertise in latest technology security systems, sliding doors and automatic swing gates to provide safe and secure daily life. We know the access control trends have changed and today, computer based electronic access control systems are mostly preferred as they provide easy, convenient access for approved parties and refuse unauthorized access. Al Adel is one of the leading Access control system companies in UAE, providing cost-effective solutions to access control systems with added features of flexible framework, easy use, scheduled backups and integration. Visit for enquires and orders.

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